Abusive Ex: Going No Contact

So, it has been a very long time since I have had to communicate with my abusive ex. Do I miss it? Nope, not one tiny little bit. It is still difficult navigating the relationship with my daughter since she still lives in his house and he is still very controlling. To my daughter, she may believe his being controlling is a form of love. Hopefully she will learn one day that control is not love.

Once an Abuser – Always an Abuser

I have mentioned this before that my father is mentally ill. For this reason, I have a difficult time blaming him for his insults. However, how many times do we allow an abusive person to keep abusing us before we say, "No more!"? They say he has Schizoaffective Disorder which means he fits into one... Continue Reading →

Generational Effects of Abuse

This is a story of domestic abuse and how it often runs in families. The cycle of abuse is a tough one to break unless you begin to understand the facts about abuse.  Domestic abuse has more than one face and can affect you in many ways, including unknowingly teaching your children, by example, to... Continue Reading →

One Way Relationships with an Abuser

Hard to believe it was 9 years ago when I made the difficult decision to get divorced from my verbally abusive husband.  Although there were so many things wrong with the relationships, it was a very difficult decision to make.  My relationship with my ex-husband as very one-sided and I always felt drained with him.... Continue Reading →

Greatest Lies Told About Domestic Abuse

The myths Society paints about Domestic Abuse truly prevent awareness about emotional & psychological abuse and make it very difficult to spot.  Society really paints a picture of Domestic Abuse involving physical abuse or violence.  When I talked to a lawyer one time the first question they asked me was, "Has he ever hit you?"... Continue Reading →

Verbal Abuse Can Impact Any Relationship

I truly think God must have a sense of humor.  I am not completely rid of my abusive ex-husband or abusive ex-boss but it sure makes me feel fired up to write more about verbal and emotional abuse,  because awareness is key. Verbal Abuse can happen in almost any type of relationship and anywhere; in... Continue Reading →

Abusive Men and the Second Wife

There are many times I wonder if my abusive ex-husband is nicer to his new wife than he was to me. My Abusive Ex-Husband's Wife My ex-husband's wife tells my daughter I am crazy. No doubt these are things my ex-husband as told her about me that she is repeating. I am unable to get... Continue Reading →

Family History of Abuse

Well, many things have transpired recently with my father.  It turns out my father was diagnosed with Bi-Polar Disorder many years ago.   In previous posts, Abusive Email Traps, I had listed some of the bizarre interactions I had with my father and how much they reminded me of my abusive ex-husband's behavior.   When I was... Continue Reading →

Abusive Bosses in the Workplace

One thing to keep in mind is the Abusive Boss does not stop being abusive after you are no longer available to him.  They continue to abuse other people around them.  Most abusers seem to be pretty careful to not do anything that will get them caught.  They seem to be careful to avoid any... Continue Reading →

History of Abuse Leads to Tragedy

My father and I recently had an argument about whether a women should or should not get divorced from a person who is abusive.  The story is posted under Abusive and Controlling Emails - Email Traps.    I had stated my personal belief that a women and her children (should she have any) should leave... Continue Reading →

Ending the Cycle of Abuse

One of my greatest fears is if my daughter picks someone like her dad who is abusive.  My grandmother and mother picked husbands exhibiting abusive behavior very similar to my ex-husband. My parents divorced when  I was about three years old.  My father began using me to abuse my mother when I was four or five and... Continue Reading →

Working with an Emotionally Abusive Boss

Okay, so this post follows my Abusive Bosses Create Unhealthy Workplace where I described a more volatile abusive boss.  My second boss was a bit nicer on the surface but highly controlling and a bit more manipulative. Most of my co-worker's would describe my abusive bosses behavior as a 'Napoleon Complex' or even 'Little Man's... Continue Reading →

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