Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde Personality

Last week, my daughter returned home from an abusive and toxic living situation at her father's house. He also sent her some irrational and threatening text messages when he learned she had come to my house. He expected me to email him to prove she was at my house. Our daughter is a young adult... Continue Reading →

Sometimes I Hate My Ex

I must admit there are times I absolute hate my ex-husband! Times when my daughter acts entitled and as if the rules just not apply to her. It has always been a challenge parenting with such an uncooperative ex-husband. I am fully aware that children will play both parents even if the parents are not... Continue Reading →

Abusive Men and the Second Wife

There are many times I wonder if my abusive ex-husband is nicer to his new wife than he was to me. My Abusive Ex-Husband's Wife My ex-husband's wife tells my daughter I am crazy. No doubt these are things my ex-husband as told her about me that she is repeating. I am unable to get... Continue Reading →

Tips to Responding to Abusive Emails 2

When I first began receiving emails from my abusive ex-husband that were full of ranting & raving, opinions and comments that were meant to make me look bad.  There was a part of me that felt if I did not respond to his untrue comment then that was admitting it was true.  Learning to disconnect... Continue Reading →

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